Help & Support

Mobile PIN login

Setting up

If you have our Mobile Business Banking app on iPhone or AndroidTM you can use a five-digit PIN to log in.

  • Check you have the ‘Mobile PIN and/or fingerprint login’ permission enabled in the Permissions area in Internet Banking for Business. Your Administrator can do this if necessary.
  • Make sure you have the latest BNZ Mobile Business Banking app. 
  • On your phone, log in to the app and select ‘Settings’ in the Menu.
  • Switch on ‘PIN login’ and follow the screen instructions to finish setting up your 5-digit PIN.
  • Once you have successfully set up your PIN, you’ll be taken to your account home screen.

Changing your mobile PIN

You can change your PIN at any time by going to ‘Settings’ from the Menu in the app and selecting ‘PIN Login’. 

Forgotten mobile PIN

When logging in with a PIN, you have four attempts to enter your PIN correctly before your PIN access is blocked. If you've been blocked or have forgotten your PIN, log in using your password. You can then reset your PIN via ‘Settings’.

If you can’t remember your password, it’ll need to be reset.

Information for Administrators

Administrators can disable the PIN permissions so that users have to log in with a password instead.

To disable PIN permissions:

  1. Go to the ‘Administration’ tab in Internet Banking for Business and select ‘User List’.
  2. Select the user you want and click ‘edit’.
  3. Click on ‘Customise Permissions’.
  4. Scroll down and make sure the ‘Mobile PIN and/or fingerprint login’ permission is unticked.
  5. Select ‘Next’.
  6. Select ‘Submit’.

Other ways to log in

You can also log in to Mobile Business Banking by using your fingerprint.