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Help and Support
Internet banking support
Registering and activating your account
Resetting your password
Updating your contact details
Updating your tax residency status
Opening new transaction or savings accounts
Setting a savings goal in Internet Banking
Sending messages in Internet Banking
Turning off two-step authentication for login
Logging out
Closing accounts
Providing feedback in internet banking
Changing your password in Internet Banking
Managing third party connections in Internet Banking
Finding your access number
Transactions and transfers
Finding and filtering transactions
Exporting transactions
Sorting transactions by date
Transferring money between your accounts
Transferring foreign currency
Viewing or hiding the transactions sidebar
Printing or saving transaction history
Adding and making payments to payees
Adding companies as payees
Making one-off payments
Making tax payments
Setting up and managing automatic payments in Internet Banking
Retrying payments
Viewing upcoming payments
Making an international payment
Adding an international payee
Deleting an international payee
Viewing, saving or printing account statements
Stopping paper statements
Viewing, saving or printing tax certificates
Viewing your TotalMoney summary
Notifying us of overseas travel plans
Setting up email notifications
Checking your credit card balance
Requesting to increase or decrease your limit or change your card type
Direct debits to your credit card
Changing direct debits from your credit card
Changing automatic payments to your credit card
Paying your credit card balance
Paying registered companies
Activate reissued Flexi Debit Visa or credit card
Set or change the PIN on your Flexi Debit Visa, Eftpos, or credit card
Home loans
Paying off your home loan faster
Changing your home loan repayments
Making a lump-sum payment
Making an overdue home loan payment in Internet Banking
Topping up your home loan in Internet Banking
Understanding MyProperty assumptions
Making voluntary contributions to your BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme account
Changing your BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme fund in Internet Banking
Changing your BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme contribution rate in Internet Banking
Opening a new term deposit
Reinvesting the full amount of your term deposit at maturity
Changing your prescribed investor rate (PIR)
Making withdrawals from your YouWealth account
Making contributions to your YouWealth account
Viewing your YouWealth transactions in Internet Banking
Changing the amount you reinvest in a new term deposit
Paying out your term deposit at maturity
Changing account images
Changing how accounts are displayed
Setting up te reo Māori
Switching back to English from te reo Māori
Business loans
Making a lump-sum payment in Internet Banking
Contact us
You can message us in
Internet Banking
or the
BNZ app